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Agile Cooking
The way to experience agility is through the stomach.
Agile Cooking is your ideal introduction to experiencing Agile values as well as the origins of Agility. This event will teach you the different roles of Agile collaboration and show you the Agile process first hand – all while having fun. Together, we transform customer needs into a product that is ready for delivery. We will also analyze and answer the questions as to whether self-organization is chaotic and what role self-motivation plays.
Basic Course Content
Participants will learn about the origins of Agile working methods and the difference between Scrum and Kanban. In addition, participants learn about the roles of a Scrum Team as well as Scrum Events and Scrum Artifacts. Together, we navigate the path from customer need to an end product that is ready for delivery:
Brainfood: Theories of human work motivation, Agile Manifesto, key elements of Agile, difference between frameworks
Roles: Product Manager, Product Owner, Scrum Master, Developer
Events: Sprint, Planning, Daily Scrum, Review and Retrospective
Artefakte: Sprint, Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Product Increment
Target audience
This workshop is designed for business and IT teams that are at the start of their Agile Transformation. Additionally, this workshop serves as an exciting and entertaining kick-off event for new business initiatives or as the closing event of a project.
Participants are taught the origins and basics of Agile working methods and the use of Scrum through a practical example. We highlight the importance of the different roles and their responsibilities. Combined with a positive learning experience, we establish how individual elements can be adapted in your organization.
Duration and start time
7 hours, starts at approx. 15:30
Number of participants
This workshop is limited to a maximum of 12 participants.
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