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Self-organization implies self-motivaton implies personal development implies lifelong learning.

Our formula for sustainable learning = inspiration * (playful + abstract application) * social interaction * humor

Learning experiences and changes can manifest themselves sustainably when inspiration, abstraction, social interaction and humor are combined into an overall experience.

Being curious means looking for new knowledge. New content stimulates reflection, which in turn leads to new questions. It is our ambition to initiate this process and combine it with your experiences. This opens up new perspectives and possible new opportunities for you.

The representation and reproduction of reality is essentially a reduction to the things that we are good at and we find interesting. The abstract and playful application of the shared knowledge helps you to show what you have learned and explore new limits. By doing so, we can trigger your reflective processes and enable you to adapt a perspective that focuses on a role instead of on a person.

Social Interaction
Interaction with other people has established itself as an effective aid and learning tool. Social interaction helps you organize thoughts and reflect on your own understanding. It also shows possible gaps in reasoning or knowledge. Social interaction helps you with bringing different views together. 

Learning something new and applying it in a new context means leaving your comfort zone. Being authentic, being able to laugh at yourself, and share the moment with others, are critical success factors. We help you to have a humorous learning experience that manifests itself sustainably.

By combining these elements, our workshops aim to provide you with theoretical knowledge gained from practical experience. As a result you will be equipped with a toolbox filled with appropriate methods for every situation. The issues and challenges we face as Transformation Coaches are what inspires our workshops. 

We develop our offers in collaboration with selected partner companies in order to create an unforgettable event and to ensure a successful and lasting learning experience. We share the same understanding of quality, sustainability and inspiration with our partners. 

Image by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis


Agile Cooking

The best way to experience agility is through the stomach. We connect the roots of agility and make the agile values tangible.

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